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Research: Navigating ‘‘thorny’’ issues

Abstract In their article Mindfulness and discussing ‘thorny’ issues in the classroom Konstantinos Alexakos et al. (Cult Stud Sci Educ, 2016. doi:10.1007/s11422-015-9718-0) describe ‘‘thorny’’ issues as ‘‘difficult topics to discuss because they are more personal to some perhaps even cause pain and violence.’’ As women from different backgrounds, we engage in a metalogue, which expands on our thoughts and emotions the thorny issues evoked. Our discussion is grounded in theoretical frameworks of mindfulness, wellness, and safe space for learning. We also reflect on our experiences of facing some of the thorny issues in our academic and personal lives. Having trust and respect for one another and being aware of thorny issues allows for a meaningful conversation about the complexity and nuances involved in discussing difficult topics in a classroom setting.

Kashema Hutchinson • Aderinsola Gilbert • Anna Malyukova

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